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ByteAlly Company Profile

ByteAlly is a software engineering team obsessed with state of the art engineering. Founded in 2010 & based out of Chennai, India, ByteAlly is a team of software developers, designers & product managers with 21 years of expertise between the founders with clients across US, Europe & India.

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Dallas Galleria One
13355 Noel Rd, Suite 1100
Dallas, Texas, 75240
United States
(347) 274 8844


9 Common Mistakes Made In EDI Integrations
9 Common Mistakes Made In EDI Integrations
This white paper describes why the challenges in EDI integration are not technological challenges, rather they are outcomes of bad...

Running Blockchain Pilots for your Supply Chain
Running Blockchain Pilots for your Supply Chain
This CIO focused white paper details how to kick start a pilot blockchain project and explains how blockchain is different...

ByteAlly News & Resources

9 Common Mistakes Made In EDI Integrations
This white paper describes why the challenges in EDI integration are not technological challenges, rather they are outcomes of bad quality processes.

Blockchain is Vastly Overrated; Supply Chain Cybersecurity is Vastly Underrated
Cyber attacks are on the rise, especially in the supply chain, and while blockchain is not irrelevant to supply chain cyber security, technology alone will not completely solve the problem.

Driving Supply Chain Sustainability with Blockchain
Blockchain can transition supply chain management to a sharing economy where people and companies reduce waste and decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources, becoming more sustainable and profitable at the same time.

Running Blockchain Pilots for your Supply Chain
This CIO focused white paper details how to kick start a pilot blockchain project and explains how blockchain is different from existing technologies, it will also give you a perspective on how blockchain can address and solve both current and future supply chain problems.

World’s Largest Mining Company to Use Blockchain for Supply Chain Management
The world's largest mining firm by market value intends to begin using the ethereum blockchain to improve its supply chain processes.

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