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How-to Guide: ASRS and Inventory Management

Inventory Management refers to the processes in a warehouse that monitor inventory from the moment it enters the warehouse up until it leaves the warehouse as a packaged order. This includes how a warehouse receives and stores inventory, tracks inventory as it moves through the warehouse, manages inventory replenishment, optimizes inventory storage space, and more.

Efficient inventory management benefits order fulfillment operations in a variety of ways. It boosts productivity by ensuring inventory is stored properly, improving order accuracy and fulfillment speed while reducing picking errors. Additionally, it can lower labor costs by making workers more efficient. Investing in better inventory management can also save money by optimizing storage space, helping operations teams’ get the most out of the floorspace they have. Ultimately, customers feel the benefits of efficient inventory management with faster shipping times, reduced costs, better order accuracy, and easier returns processes.

ASRS solutions help warehouses save on space, reduce labor costs, increase efficiency and are uniquely positioned to help warehouses achieve better inventory management.

This guide will:

  • Address common challenges associated with managing inventory, and how ASRS can help
  • Discuss key concepts such as stockouts, deadstock, overstock, and why they are important
  • Detail how ASRS can help implement various inventory management strategies such as “just-in-case”

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