Solution Guide: 4 Space-Saving Technologies

Solving the space challenge

One of the biggest challenges companies face in intralogistics is a lack of space, leading to inefficient storage, slower processes, higher costs, and lower customer satisfaction. In the time of Industry 4.0 and rapid technological advancements in production, alongside increasing e-commerce and omni-channel distribution, companies need to optimize their warehouse or production design with digitalized processes to remain competitive.

An investment in automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) enables highly compressed storage of the same number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) previously held in static shelving but within a significantly reduced footprint of up to 85%. That means less space is needed to store the same number, or even a higher amount, of articles. The floor space gained can then be leveraged by repurposing it via an internal expansion, such as adding other revenue-generating activities.

Different storage systems can be customized for various storage needs, from small to medium-sized lightweight goods to heavy-duty materials, pallets, and individual SKUs. This solution guide presents 4 technologies you should consider when space is an issue. It gives guidance on which solution is best for your SKUs and details how each solution provides significant space savings while at the same time increasing performance and improving labor requirements.

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