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Latest posts about Moodys

Industry stakeholders examine impact of stalled-out ILA-USMX negotiations
Following the suspension of labor talks earlier this month between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), there has been no shortage of opinions regarding where things stand—and where things may go from here.

Dr. Alfredo Coutino, director, Moody’s Analytics, addresses the state of nearshoring
In this podcast, Logistics Management Group News Editor Jeff Berman interviewed Dr. Alfredo Coutino, director at Moody’s Analytics.

Dr. Alfredo Coutino, director, Moody’s Analytics, addresses the state of nearshoring
In this podcast, Logistics Management Group News Editor Jeff Berman interviewed Dr. Alfredo Coutino, director at Moody’s Analytics.

U.S. Tariff Hikes on China: What Industry Leaders Are Saying
Industry experts react to the White House's expansion of Chinese tariffs and the effect it'll have on businesses and consumers.

Industry experts dissect White House’s tariffs announcement
As reported by LM earlier this month, after a statutory four-year review process of Section 301 tariffs levied on United States-bound imports from China conducted by the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the final outcome, the White House announced, that those tariffs are remaining intact, with ones for certain products, to see increases.

Examining the impact of the Taiwan earthquake on global supply chain operations
This earthquake is the latest in an ostensible series of events impacting the global supply chain, right on the heels last week’s tragic bridge collapse in Baltimore, which was preceded by the ongoing Red Sea and Panama Canal issues.

Shipping Rates Are on the Rise as Disruptions Continue in Red Sea, Panama Canal
As shippers navigate goods around low water levels in the Panama Canal and risks in the Red Sea, rates are rising and the risk of downstream disruptions is growing.

Global Apparel Retailers Better Positioned for Supply Chain Diversification
Companies across sectors are increasingly shifting manufacturing away from China in an effort to reduce vulnerability and exposure to rising labor costs. Research from Moody’s finds that large global apparel companies may fare the best when diversifying.

Moody’s: Carbon Offsets Open Supply Chains Up to Financial, Reputational Risks
A new report from Moody's finds that companies that rely on buying carbon offsets as an emisisons-reduction strategy could face financial and reputational harm.


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