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Discover Kardex Remstar: Leading manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems

From advanced picking strategies to basic storage and picking applications, Kardex Remstar offers a range of solutions designed to reduce floor space, increase productivity and improve worker ergonomics.

Kardex Remstar is a leading manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems. From the Shuttle XP Vertical Lift Module and LR 35 Vertical Buffer Module to inventory management software and storage totes for each unique system, Kardex Remstar has a solution for many applications. These solutions have been implemented around the world in industries from distribution to manufacturing, electronics to government. Operating on the goods-to-person principle, stored items are brought directly to an operator, optimizing your existing labor force. Designed to increase productivity and reduce wasted floor space, ASRS can be easily integrated into your existing operation, eliminating shelving and yielding a ROI in roughly 18 months.

To support the fast-paced order picking operations needed to meet increased demand, Kardex Remstar has created a new high throughput solution. Frame Pick combines pick carts, put frames with put-to-light displays and ASRS, commonly LR 35 VBM or Shuttle XP VLM, for maximum throughput. The operator can easily connect the order bins on the pick cart to the lights on the put frame with a simple barcode scan. When the ASRS presents a new storage bin for picking, the put-to-light display shows how many items should be placed in which order bins within the Frame Pick solution. When all orders are complete, the pick cart with the full customer order bins can be easily transported to the packaging or shipping area. Using a rolling batching strategy, a new pick cart with empty order bins takes over the position in the put frame and is easily integrated into the current batch of orders being fulfilled. This new solution can reduce walking distances by up 65%, increase throughput and reduce floor space by 80%.

Frequently fluctuating order volumes and increasing customer requirements make it challenging for online merchants to manage order fulfillment and keep up with unprecedented growth. Implementing scalable and intuitive pick-to-light technology, Color Picking enables higher picking throughput and maximum labor efficiency to manage demand fluctuation common with e-commerce business.

Based on combining orders into a batch, batches of orders are filled according to a colored light directed picking process. When the operator starts the batch, the system dynamically assigns a color to the batch cart as it’s introduced into the color picking zone. All storage devices, typically Shuttle XP VLMs or Megamat RS Vertical Carousels, with order lines for this color batch, display the matching color on the display screen and move to retrieve the stored articles required for the batch. Following the colored lights on the storage devices, the operators simply pick the articles from the storage device and put them into the batch cart with the matching color. Color Pick is designed to handle spikes in order demand, allowing any number of order pickers and order carts to be added into the work zone as required.

From advanced picking strategies to basic storage and picking applications, Kardex Remstar offers a range of solutions designed to reduce floor space, increase productivity and improve worker ergonomics. For more information about Kardex Remstar, visit

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