Follow These 7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

If you’re ready to step up your business game, this article describes in detail seven tips that can help you become a better entrepreneur and spark productivity, motivation, and inspiration.

Many of the top CEOs and innovators molded themselves into successful entrepreneurs through healthy habits that sparked productivity, motivation, and inspiration.

Yes, they are intelligent and work hard.

They also establish practices and processes that help them accomplish their goals.

It’s the amalgamation of these attributes that helped them reach their levels of success.

If you’re ready to step up your business game, the following seven tips can help you become a better entrepreneur.

1. Take Your Fitness Game Up a Notch
A healthy mind starts with a healthy body. Read any article about successful CEOs, and you’ll likely find they share a similarity: a consistent fitness routine.

You can boost your productivity through physical activity because exercise jump-starts your energy, reduces stress, and helps you sleep better at night.

Make time in your schedule for at least half an hour of exercise each day. If you’re not a fan of the gym, your fitness routine can be as simple as running around your neighborhood or practicing yoga in your living room.

2. Beware of “Shiny Objects”
The road to success is paved with many roadblocks, including some that may first appear as helpful shortcuts or tools. Don’t fall prey to the shiny object syndrome.

Some entrepreneurs chase trendy tools or business features simply because they’re the newest things around. And not choosing an option that’s best for you or your clients can delay progress in your entrepreneurial dreams.

There are many ways to approach a project - rather than try to explore every available road in front of you, focus your energy on the path that makes the most sense for your business.

3. Find a Mentor
Mentors can provide an outside perspective and offer advice when you struggle to make a decision. In a study of New York-based tech companies, TechCrunch found that 33% of start-up founders who received mentorship from successful entrepreneurs went on to become top performers themselves.

Search for a successful CEO within your industry and offer to buy them coffee in exchange for a quick chat. It’s also helpful to find a few friends or colleagues who can serve as your sounding boards to help you see things differently and stay on course.

4. Stop Multitasking
Studies show that multitasking isn’t good for the brain and can leave you feeling more stressed and less capable. Don’t hop on a conference call when you’re in the middle of reviewing a report. You won’t be able to process all the information for either task at the same time.

Putting a stop to multitasking involves more than focusing on one project at a time - you’ll also need to eliminate distractions so you can work as effectively as possible. For example, one of the biggest disruptors to workflow is email.

The ding of new emails interrupts your focus and can delay your progress. Check emails only during allotted times of the day so you can get more done.

5. Dedicate One Day a Week to No Meetings
While meetings are often beneficial and a necessary part of a business, they take up a lot of your time. Many companies are starting to establish a no-meetings-day policy so employees can have one day a week where they have a significant chunk of time to work on big projects or tasks.

Plan a day with no meetings and put it in your weekly schedule. It can be any day of the week but keep it consistent so it’s easier for you, your employees, and your co-workers to remember and they don’t accidentally book meetings when you’re planning to work.

6. Wake Up Early
It may sound cliché, but the early bird gets the worm. Along with several studies showing the benefits of waking up early, some of the most successful entrepreneurs - from Apple CEO Tim Cook to Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson - swear by their early morning routines.

While many people are still asleep during these early hours, you can work with fewer distractions and have time to fit in a workout for a boost of energy and productivity.

Remember, waking up early doesn’t mean getting less sleep. Make sure you go to bed earlier to get a decent night’s rest so you can tackle projects more easily the next day.

7. Schedule a 90-Day Review with Yourself
When you’re powering through long days, making decisions every few moments, and searching for the next big idea, it’s easy to lose focus on the big picture.

This is when a self-review can come in handy. Every ninety days, review your original business goals and the progress you’ve made.

Have you started heading in a different direction? What did you initially set out to accomplish? Reviewing these items can help you see your progress and stay on track. Plus, you can feel re-energized to pursue your next milestone.

Now it’s time for you to take action. Incorporate a few of these steps into your schedule to increase your chances for enhanced productivity and greater focus.

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