On-Time Delivery Benchmarking Report for Shippers

Transplace, a leading provider of transportation management services and logistics technology solutions, has announced the formal release of its Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report to help shippers meet the delivery requirements set by major retailers.

Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report

The Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report, which currently includes data gathered from 28 suppliers of major retailers, identifies delivery performance statistics such as late, early and in full shipment percentages, all anonymously compared to other shippers participating in the program.

Over the past few years, large retailers have implemented mandates for effectively delivering shipments in an effort to help improve delivery flow, cut inventory costs and ensure products are available at all times to meet customers’ growing demands and expectations.

These programs have some rule variations but typically penalize for early or late deliveries or the shipment not being filled as requested in the order – leaving non-compliant deliveries subject to fines.

Mark McEntire, senior vice president of operations, Transplace

“The Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report helps Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies better understand how their delivery performance compares to industry peers and allows them to use timely market data to drive improvement within their own supply chains,” said Mark McEntire, senior vice president of operations, Transplace.

“Access to weekly market data around critical key metrics gives shippers the ability to address performance gaps in their delivery operations or records when supplying to large retailers. This data has proven to be valuable when companies meet with their retail customers or make strategic decisions regarding their supply chain operations. It has also allowed for increased collaboration with peers through the sharing of best practices.”

The Genesis for the Report

McEntire informed Logistics Management's Jeff Berman that the genesis for the Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report originated at the company’s 2017 CPG Summit when many of its customers requested additional data to better understand their delivery performance with large retailers.

“This type of benchmarking has been valuable to the shipping community in the past and we are continuously looking was ways to provide greater value to our customers,” McEntire stated.

When asked what he viewed were the main benefits of this new offering, he pointed to its ability to help shippers identify leaders and laggards and open up the lines of communication across shippers to share best practices and collaborate, where possible.

And he also noted that these weekly reports are helping educate a wider audience about the delivery requirements of these programs, truly understand how they compare to other suppliers and better navigate conversations with retailers.

Transplace has been providing the information found in the Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report to its customers for years, but it was on a more ad hoc basis, according to McEntire.

“In order to provide greater value to the shipping community, we have moved to a more standardized approach over the last few years as we have seen more interest from both Transplace customers and noncustomers,” he said. “This has led to the formal release of Transplace’s Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report.”

Stringent Delivery Requirements

Transplace CEO Frank McGuigan commented in a statement that as retailers have encountered intensifying consumer demands for better product variety and greater availability at the lowest possible cost, they have put more stringent delivery requirements on their suppliers – enhancing pressure on supply chains.

“As retailers have encountered intensifying consumer demands for better product variety and greater availability at the lowest possible cost, they have put more stringent delivery requirements on their suppliers – enhancing pressure on supply chains. To meet these growing demands and help deliver high levels of service to their retail customers, companies must have the right strategies and processes in place that enable them to consistently maintain a smooth, efficient supply chain. Analyzing market trends, monitoring KPIs and providing in-depth industry insights allows Transplace to work collaboratively with shippers to improve their supply chains and their overall business.”

To receive a complimentary Weekly Supplier Performance Benchmarking Report, Click Here

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