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Uber Freight sets up shop in Germany

Late last month, Uber Freight, a subsidiary of the ubiquitous, ride-sharing service Uber, whose proprietary app matches trucking companies with loads to haul, announced it has expanded into Germany.

Company officials said that there were various drivers for this move, explaining “the logistics industry is the backbone of the European economy and a sector Uber is committed to serving.” And it added that following its successful launch in the Netherlands, the timing is right for Uber Freight to expand into Europe’s leading road transport market, which comes on the heels of a recent call for action by the German industry to address logistical bottlenecks and severe driver shortages in the road transport sector.

Uber Freight explained that there is a strong opportunity for the company to provide German shippers and carriers with its technology, as they deal with “many of the same pain points as their European counterparts, including:

  • the German trucking market dealing with a severe driver shortage, which the World Bank expects to triple by 2028, as two-thirds of German drivers are expected to retire in the next ten years;
  • of the time drivers are on the road, 21% of total kilometers travelled are empty, which results in shippers having difficulty finding available drivers to move their freight; and
  • small-to-medium-sized German carriers comprise more than 90% of its carrier pool and experience difficulties in connecting with larger shippers

“A more efficient and transparent freight marketplace is something Uber Freight can bring to the table that will benefit carriers and shippers, as well as reduce wasted miles and fuel,” said Uber Freight in a blog posting. “Uber is a global company with a global mindset for its Freight business. Our expansion into Europe was an important first step toward bringing our vision of a more efficient, transparent freight marketplace to the international stage. As we grow, we will endeavor to be a reliable partner to European carriers, shippers, and everyone who's working to build a bright future for Europe's logistics industry.”

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