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What Happens When You Make a Customs Entry Mistake?

Correcting Errors in U.S. Customs Entry Filings," details those options, and also sheds light on how a shipper can avoid making a mistake in the first place.

Customs compliance can be difficult, especially when determining a product's tariff classification, valuation, or country of origin. U.S. Customs and Border Protection expects shippers to exercise “reasonable care” in submitting documentation, but face it, mistakes happen. The question though, is how to proceed once a mistake is discovered. In fact, CBP offers several paths for rectifying an error, depending on its unique circumstances.

A new white paper from Purolator International, “Correcting Errors in U.S. Customs Entry Filings,” details those options, and also sheds light on how a shipper can avoid making a mistake in the first place. Click here to download a complimentary copy.

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