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Amanda Loudin on Supply Chain 24/7

Amanda Loudin
Contributing Editor

Amanda Loudin is a contributing editor for Modern Materials Handling. Her published articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Money Magazine and ESPN. When she’s not writing, she can be found hitting the trails with her four-legged running partner.

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Latest content from Amanda Loudin

Next generation palletizing/depalletizing is here
Robots are in a new, smarter era, and that’s paying dividends for depalletizing and palletizing operations.

Where rack meets automation
Order profiles are changing, and that means your rack should, too.

Automotive materials handling: The calm after the storm
Following several tumultuous years, the automotive industry is looking at a steadier state in 2024.

Time to act on sustainability
Sustainability is on its way to becoming a core competency for materials handling suppliers.

Reclaiming reverse logistics
Reverse logistics has never been more important, but companies are struggling to stay on top of it.

Supply chain sustainability is here to stay
The supply chain is undoubtedly getting greener thanks to corporate commitment and the right technology.

Automated palletizing pays for itself
Once viewed as cost prohibitive, facilities of all stripes and sizes can now find palletizing within their reach.


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