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Veridian Company Profile

Veridian is a technology and services leader specializing in the software selection, implementation, and optimization of supply chain systems that enable omnichannel fulfillment. No matter the type of engagement we ensure clients are in a position to succeed by employing tools focused on efficiency, ease of use, and a proven implementation methodology. Our expertise implementing and optimizing the Manhattan Associates’, HighJump, and JDA Software best-of-breed supply chain suites has led to the development of our robust, commercially available AutoMate software platform that enables our clients to efficiently automate testing and complex configuration elements across environments and sites.

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111 W Illinois Street
c/o Veridian Information Systems
Chicago, Illinois, 60654
United States


The State & Driving Forces of the WMS Market
The State & Driving Forces of the WMS Market
In this white paper, you’ll learn about the state of the warehouse management systems market, why demand for cloud-based...

Strategic Supply Chain Considerations in the Quest to Go Omnichannel
Strategic Supply Chain Considerations in the Quest to Go Omnichannel
This white paper describes how, from retailers to manufacturers, as well as every business involved in sales in between, the...

Warehouse Metrics Supply Chain Execs Should Track
Warehouse Metrics Supply Chain Execs Should Track
In this white paper from Veridian, you’ll learn the Warehouse Metric you should be tracking as a supply chain...

Warehouse Management System Implementation Pre-Design: Challenge the Status Quo
Warehouse Management System Implementation Pre-Design: Challenge the Status Quo
In this WMS implementation pre-design white paper you will learn about the components of the pre-design phase including participant planning,...

Veridian News & Resources

Supply Chain Management Interest for a Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System on the Rise
The benefits of a Warehouse Management System in the cloud solves the challenges of a traditional WMS by moving the implementation, maintenance, and use of a WMS from an on-premise solution to web-based platforms.

The State & Driving Forces of the WMS Market
In this white paper, you’ll learn about the state of the warehouse management systems market, why demand for cloud-based systems will shape the wms market and the driving forces behind the new wms adoption.

Maximizing Your Warehouse Management System to Increase Ecommerce Return-on-Investment
Finding the best way to maximize return on investment for your WMS can be difficult, but it is possible, however, to truly augment the capability of your WMS and achieve the most significant ROI, you must integrate systems and understand how to use and apply data.

Differences between Omnichannel & Omnichannel 2.0
Unlike the original definition of Omnichannel, Omnichannel 2.0 is about bringing the entire enterprise together, not just enabling support within legacy systems for an omnichannel approach, retailers and supply chain leaders must increase proficiency across all channels, engaging with consumers and personalizing the shopping experience.

Strategic Supply Chain Considerations in the Quest to Go Omnichannel
This white paper describes how, from retailers to manufacturers, as well as every business involved in sales in between, the omnichannel supply chain is a goal to achieve.

The Difference between a Traditional Warehouse and an OmniChannel Warehouse
The days of an ecommerce-dedicated warehouse are over, and warehouse managers must understand the necessity of new systems and processes to create omnichannel warehouses.

Ecommerce Continues to Focus on Omnichannel Supply Chain Strategies: Demands Continuous Improvement
Today, more than half of the nation’s 140 retail chains in the top 500 offer omnichannel shipping and pickup options, and 72.1 percent of retail chains offer in-store returns of merchandise purchased online.

Predictive Analytics & Omnichannel Supply Chain Management
Predictive analytics with omnichannel supply chain management make up one of the most in-demand topics in modern supply chain management, but it only functions when a thorough, integrated process for data collection, identification, and analysis exists.

Warehouse Metrics Supply Chain Execs Should Track
In this white paper from Veridian, you’ll learn the Warehouse Metric you should be tracking as a supply chain executive to aid you in your quest to continually improve and root out inefficiencies in your warehouses.

Warehouse Management System Implementation Pre-Design: Challenge the Status Quo
In this WMS implementation pre-design white paper you will learn about the components of the pre-design phase including participant planning, subject matter expert preparation, application access, and much more.

7 Ecommerce Enabled Warehouse Best Practices
With ecommerce sales climbing by double-digit numbers every quarter, here are some best practices warehouse and DC managers can try to work better, smarter and faster.

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