U.S. Department of Transportation 2019 Budget Highlights

Under Secretary Chao’s guidance, DOT is leading the development and deployment of innovative practices and technologies that improve the safety and performance of the Nation’s transportation system, this paper highlights of efforts supported by the President’s FY 2019 Budget request.

DOT 2019 Budget Highlights

The President has called for at least $1 trillion in infrastructure investment nationwide that will connect people to jobs, increase the efficiency of delivering goods, and improve the safety and well-being of all Americans.

This goal will not be achieved by Federal investment alone, but rather requires States, local governments, and the private sector to share responsibility and accountability in contributing to our Nation’s future.

To achieve the President’s target of at least $1 trillion in infrastructure investment, the Administration has proposed $200 billion in Federal funding for core infrastructure.

The Administration’s proposed investments and reforms will modernize our infrastructure, strengthen our economy, increase our international competitiveness, and improve the quality of life of all Americans.

The Administration’s plan makes targeted investments and reforms designed to transform our transportation system.

Key actions include:

  • Dedicate Federal Funding to Rural Need
  • Establish an Infrastructure Incentives Initiative
  • Initiate a Transformative Projects Program
  • Leverage Federal Funds for Federal Projects of Regional and National Significance
  • Accelerate Environmental Review and Permitting

Note: Read an Important Update to the Budget Highlights

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