Why Freight Visibility is Important, Measuring Total Costs, & Visibility for Shippers

These 3 white papers discuss why freight visibility is important, measuring the total costs of visibility for third-party logistics providers and brokers, the various factors that drive up supply chain costs, and how real-time freight visibility can minimize wasteful transportation shipping spend.

Why Freight Visibility is Important

The global supply chain is always moving, but when it isn’t, it is everyone’s problem.

Goods in various stages must be transported to and from raw materials suppliers, manufacturers, wholesale distributors, retailers and end users.

One hiccup can affect everyone in the logistics industry, thus the term supply chain.

Learn About:

  • Consequences of Late Loads
  • Undeniable Importance of Freight Visibility
  • How Real-Time Visibility Enables Exception Management
  • The Need for a Visibility Partner, What to Look For

Measuring Your Total Costs of Visibility for 3PL's and Brokers

Do you know your total cost of visibility and what influences it?

TCV is the formula you need to measure the true cost and value of freight visibility.

Variables include the cost and effectiveness of both automated carrier visibility networks and your manual check call process.

Learn About:

  • Why demand for global freight visibility is rising
  • How network effectiveness influences your ROI
  • How to calculate your total cost of visibility (TCV)
  • How MacroPoint can help you minimize your TCV

Visibility for Shippers

As demand for global freight visibility grows, it is essential to understand the true cost savings and operational efficiencies that be attained with real-time visibility.

This white paper discusses the various factors that drive up supply chain costs unnecessarily and how real-time freight visibility can minimize wasteful transportation spend.

Learn About:

  • Why demand for global freight visibility is rising
  • The true cost-savings of real-time freight visibility
  • How to calculate your potential cost-savings

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