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Nine Ways Food and Beverage Companies Can Use Supply Chain Design to Drive Competitive Advantage
From long-term, strategic decision-making to tactical production planning, supply chain modeling technology can enable food and beverage companies to reduce cost and risk and edge out the competition.

Winning Through Better Supply Chain Design
Because of this, a simple activity like mapping and visualizing supply chain flows can often spark critical questions such as, “Why are materials sourced from Region A, produced in Region B, then air-shipped as finished product back to Region A?”

Using Supply Chain Modeling to Mitigate Risk in the Automotive Industry
The more complex the supply chain, the greater the risk, and the automotive supply chain is as complex as it gets.

Three Elements of a Truly Effective Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy
If you’re focusing your risk management plan on unplanned events or tsunamis, you’re missing the mark.

Use Enterprise Simulation Planning to Predict Future Supply Chain Performance
Enterprise simulation planning (ESP) enables businesses to see how the supply chain will perform under future demand and potential alternate supply chain structures and policies to reduce the risk inherent in strategy changes and to encourage continuous supply chain improvement and innovation.

Cost-to-Serve Optimization
What is the real cost to meet your customers’ needs? If you don’t know the answer, you may be servicing unprofitable customers and making uninformed business decisions.

How to Use Supply Chain Design to Craft Successful M&A Activities
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) present an incomparable number of options for the design of the new organization’s supply chain; a staggering percentage of initiatives fail to meet executive and shareholder expectations. Supply chain design technology enables companies to model their supply chains, evaluate alternatives, optimize the structure and simulate multiple scenarios in order to predict the resulting operational performance of the merged organizations.

Found Money: Using Supply Chain Modeling to Find Hidden Cost Savings
Like Money in a Coat Pocket: Uncover Hidden Cost Savings in Your Supply Chain.

Supply Chain Simulation: Why Its Time Has Come
What if you could predict how your supply chain would perform under any circumstance? The value is obvious, but how is it possible? The answer is supply chain simulation.

Designing Transportation Networks
Transportation network design is a rapidly-growing analysis approach that enables companies to create digital “models” of their end-to-end supply chains to evaluate new strategies and identify break-through performance improvements.

The Next Generation of Inventory Optimization has Arrived
Cutting-edge demand classification technology integrated with network optimization and simulation enables cost reduction and increased inventory availability

Supply Chain Modeling to Find Hidden Cost Savings
Modeling technology can uncover millions of dollars in supply chain savings just by optimizing existing assets and processes. Oftentimes, simply visualizing existing supply chain structure and flows can reveal hidden inefficiencies and present opportunities for further analysis and optimization.

Mobile Supply Chain Design and Visualization
Imagine designing a world-class supply chain on a touch-screen tablet and easily sharing it with colleagues or customers. Together you can explore options and visualize their impacts on cost, service, complexity, risk and sustainability. Could this new tool transform and facilitate the way you approach supply chain design?

Supply Chain Design on a Corporate Scale
Elevate Supply Chain Design from an Individual Activity to an Enterprise Function

Omni-Channel and Beyond: Top 9 Strategies for Retail Supply Chain Design
What if treating all products the same in your supply chain ultimately costs you money and diminishes your service level?


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