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Latest posts about Expeditors

How to Succeed In One of the Most Profitable Industries in the World - Freight Forwarding
Freight forwarding is one of the most profitable industries in the world, and its top performers are almost as profitable as Apple, with experience and stable, productive business systems being key differentiators, say analysts.

Unpacking Risk Shifting
With poor commercial practices currently in place in the 3PL industry, the goal of this white paper is to help GSCs and 3PLs be more aware of the need to create fair and balanced commercial agreements that promote healthy businesses on both sides.

Shifting Risk and Meeting in the Middle Might Be Key to Shipper & Third-Party Logistics Relations
The issue of 3PL commoditization has been repeatedly raised, with 3PLs expressing the desire for shippers to view them more as strategic partners and not just as suppliers.

6 Rules for Collaborative Global Logistics Contracting
Lopsided logistics and transportation agreements are comprised of onerous terms and conditions, and a disproportionate shifting of risk over to service providers, and this approach has become the norm in the third party logistics industry.


Featured Downloads

Automation Revolution: Transforming Procurement for Strategic Impact
Automation Revolution: Transforming Procurement for Strategic Impact
Discover how strategic automation empowers procurement teams to navigate global supply chain challenges effectively, enhancing resilience and driving transformative business impact.
Navigating Procurement’s Digital Transformation with AI
Navigating Procurement’s Digital Transformation with AI
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of AI in reshaping procurement and supply chain operations is undeniable. This whitepaper by...

Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Download this whitepaper to learn Unified Control System (UCS), designed to orchestrate automated and human workflows across the warehouse, enabling automation technologies...
An Inside Look at Dropshipping
An Inside Look at Dropshipping
Korber Supply Chain’s introduction to the world of dropshipping. While dropshipping is not for every retailer or distributor, it does provide...
C3 Solutions Major Trends for Yard and Dock Management in 2024
C3 Solutions Major Trends for Yard and Dock Management in 2024
What trends you should be focusing on in 2024 depends on how far you are on your yard and dock management journey. This...