South Korea Finally Overtakes China in Goods Exported to U.S.

Milestone achieved for first tine since 2003, driven by growth of semiconductor industry and tensions with China

For the first time since 2003, South Korea has exported more goods to the United States than to China, marking a significant shift in trade dynamics.

According to the Bank of Korea's recent report, “Assessment and Prospects for Changes in the Structure of Korea’s Exports to the United States,” highlighting the steady growth of South Korean exports to the U.S.

This trend is expected to persist, driven by the rising demand for South Korean semiconductors, and supported by substantial foreign direct investment (FDI) in manufacturing.

The increase in exports can be attributed to South Korean companies swiftly responding to higher demand from U.S. consumers. Initiatives such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have led to increased investments. As a result, South Korean exports to the U.S. have become more closely integrated with U.S. demand. They have also diversified into intermediate goods for emerging industries, with consumer goods making up 30% of exports.

The Bank of Korea predicts that South Korean exports to the U.S. will continue to grow, supported by ongoing U.S. consumption and investment. This growth will benefit both direct exports to the U.S. and indirect exports through China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.

Challenges remain for South Korea

However, challenges remain, including obstacles for South Korean small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) trying to enter the U.S. market due to industrial structure and production costs. Additionally, the possibility of U.S. trade sanctions poses a threat to South Korea's substantial trade surplus with the U.S.

The possibility of U.S. trade sanctions against South Korea is also highlighted in the report, given its significant trade surplus with the United States.

“In the past, the United States has imposed various trade sanctions on Korea when the country’s trade deficit with the United States widened or when U.S. public opinion changed in favor of protecting America’s own industries,” noted Nam Seok-Mo, Head of the International Trade Team at Bank of Korea. “In particular, the Trump administration in 2017 and 2018 pushed for renegotiation of the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement and implemented safeguards.”

The report recommends increasing imports of energy and agricultural products from the United States. This would lessen the risk of trade sanctions and reduce consumer prices for South Koreans.

To tackle these challenges, the report suggests increasing imports of energy and agricultural products from the U.S., which could help to ease trade tensions and enhance South Korea's energy and food security.


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South Korea Finally Overtakes China in Goods Exported to U.S.

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For the first time since the second quarter of 2003, South Korea’s exports to the United States exceeded those to China.
Source: Getty Images
For the first time since the second quarter of 2003, South Korea’s exports to the United States exceeded those to China.
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