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Team Corp. uses 5,000 pallets annually

The manufacturer has since expanded work with a major supermarket company.

Amanufacturer and distributor of high-quality, affordable aluminum foil products, including pans, containers, rolls and sheets, Texas Engineered Aluminum and Manufacturing Corp. (Team Corp.) began to grow beyond its local Texas market in 2018, as it had customers in the wholesale and retail sectors.

“We’re on our way to becoming a nationally recognized brand and that means we have to be prepared to meet the needs of North America’s biggest retailers,” says Julie Huang, CEO of Team Corp. “Our goal is to seize the growth opportunities [and] provide the very best aluminum products on the market.”

Huang and her team quickly realized the white wood pallets they used with local shops in Texas weren’t the best platform for the larger retailers. As Team Corp. began to explore options, retail prospects suggested a pallet and container pooling services provider. Huang was excited about the pallet and container pooling services provider’s pooled (shared and reused) business model’s sustainable benefits, but also concerned a company of its size and scope wouldn’t be flexible enough to meet her small business’s needs.

“I was concerned that the price point and minimum order quantity would be too high, but that wasn’t the case at all,” Huang says. “The representative who came out to meet with us immediately said, ‘We have so many ways to work with you,’ and then explained all about leasing and the daily rental options.”

With a customized and cost-efficient rental plan, Team Corp. expects to use 5,000 of the pallet and container pooling services provider’s pallets annually—and that’s just to start. As the manufacturer and distributor is finding out, the respected blue pallets do more than move aluminum foil products: They open doors, too.

“As we try to get into bigger retailers, there’s always an initial discussion regarding their pallet requirements,” Huang explains. “When we tell them what we use, it removes that constraint and moves the discussion forward.”

Since it began using the supplier’s 48 x 40-inch pooled pallets in the fall of 2018, Team Corp. has realized a variety of business results, including expanded work with a major supermarket company, such as new opportunities at one of its concept grocery stores; improved sustainability results, versus white wood (with an expected annual reduction of 2,818 pounds of solid waste and 2,126 pounds of CO2e); and enhanced customer satisfaction, as there are fewer touches in the supply chain and, in turn, less damage.

CHEP North America
(800) 243-7255

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