Why Your Business Needs to Strengthen its Supply Chain Direct-to-Consumer Channels

How the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming business and making direct-to-consumer supply chains an indispensable necessity.

The Consumer-Direct Strategy

With retail storefronts under siege, the smart move for manufacturers is to strengthen consumer-direct channels.

Let’s talk about how you can use network-based strategies to protect your business, better match supply, and demand, increase real-time responsiveness, and enable world-class logistics execution capabilities down to the last mile.

All of this will improve service levels, create a great customer experience, and increase loyalty and market share.

Is it possible to move to smaller order quantities and actually decrease costs at the same time?

Yes, as long as real-time network visibility and collaboration are used to reduce variability for all trading partners and eliminate information lead times across all tiers and echelons in your supply chain.

How COVID-19 is Changing Business

Consumer-driven needs and behavioral shifts have generated a rapid and ongoing shock to most supply chains since the start of the COVID-19 disruptions.

This is causing many companies to re-evaluate the architecture of their supply chains, to adapt to current conditions and mitigate future vulnerabilities.

This shift has also created structural change in our supply chain networks that will change business processes as well.

In many cases, these new processes will become permanent across industry sectors over the next two years.

For example, buying behaviors that may have taken a decade to evolve in normal circumstances have been forced front-and-center by virus-related restrictions.

Government-mandated quarantines have driven a global increase in ordering food, groceries, pharmaceuticals, and other essential needs online.

Even for non-essential goods, businesses have seen an enormous surge in ecommerce. Where consumers would ordinarily have gone to a local retailer, the transaction has shifted online or direct from the manufacturer.

Read: Supplier Solutions for the Demand Driven Healthcare Industry

Forbes notes that there has been a 146% increase in all online retail orders in North America, and that, “ecommerce and online retailers’ supply chains, order management, and fulfillment systems are all being tested by the triple-digit order and revenue growth going on today.”

While some consumers will revert to old habits as the situation normalizes, the longer pandemic behaviors persist, the larger the fraction of consumer spending that will remain permanently locked in newly expanded direct-to-consumer channels.

Accenture reports that;

“Much of this new e-commerce activity has been from new users. COVID-19 will permanently change consumer behavior. Consumers’ attitudes, behaviors, and purchasing habits are changing - and many of these new ways will remain post-pandemic. The trend toward digital commerce is expected to continue post-outbreak with consumers reporting that the proportion of instances they shop online will increase from 32% to 37% after the outbreak, illustrating the clear need for a substantially increased investment in this channel.”

Must-Attend Webcast: How to Manage and Optimize the Direct-to-Consumer Supply Chain

At One Network Enterprises, we are experiencing surging volumes across our food retailing, healthcare networks, 3PL’s, and overall direct consumer delivery activities. In some networks, unit, order, and transactional volumes have increased over 100% in just the past few months. We have boots on the ground in just about every industry across every geography giving us a first-hand view as to what is really happening within supply chains and supply networks across the globe.

Networks are Flexible, Resilient and Scalable

Connect Once to a Single Version of the Truth

Over 30% of retail food in the US moves across our network. The volumetric increases the past few months have been unprecedented. And our Network up-times continued to perform at 99.99% as the supply network architecture we provide for our customers is designed for resiliency, security, and performance.

Resilience, flexibility, and sourcing strategies need to be built into the fabric of the network software that is planning and executing to fulfill demand across the network.

As you’ve probably seen with your own eyes while looking for items at retail stores or trying to order online, this capability was not in play for certain manufacturers who probably thought their ERP systems would see them through.

Of course, certain industries have been hit hard with slowing demand due to the virus, such as our restaurant foodservice sector. But even there the power of the network ecosystem was evident in that we turned a couple of dials in the software and the entire supply network from the carriers and distributors upstream through the producers and suppliers was able to adjust to the new demand profile in real-time.

Download Demand Driven Logistics: Consumer Direct and the Last Mile

In times like these where working capital becomes a key focal point for certain sectors, the ability to adjust plans and schedules in real-time is vital.

Specifically, for our automotive, high tech, and industrial sectors, there have been slowdowns, but many now understand that the old hub-and-spoke solutions from ERP vendors have never enabled a nimble network-based trading ecosystem.

We are finding a strong appetite from many companies whose businesses have slowed to invest in supply network infrastructure during the slowdown – since the capability will be a significant market advantage once the economy fully recovers.

New Dominance of the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Channel

While there are important variables to consider across tiers in the supply network, front, and center during the past few months has been the ability to respond to single item demand generated by the “at home” consumer along with the associated last-mile delivery. For example, the ability to respond to the recent demand increase for home delivery of food, grocery, and pharmaceutical orders.

A real-time demand and supply network with over 90,000 participants ranging from carriers to retailers to 3PL’s to manufacturers to suppliers have the ability to flex capacity to execute on the surge in delivery demand. Fleet capacity increases of 20 to 30% can easily be achieved through this type of multi-party planning and transactional network.

Whether you need medicine delivered the same day/next day or you want to support your local restaurant though home delivery, those capabilities are made available in a very cost-efficient and effective manner.

Basically, all the capabilities that enable the entire network to provide the highest levels of customer service at the lowest possible cost are fully extended to the consumer through our demand-driven logistics capability.

In my next post we will look at how to achieve economies of scale with single item demand. Yes, it is possible! We’ll also look at optimizing the entire supply network, how to think about planning and execution, and more. Stay tuned.

I will also be discussing these topics and more in detail on our upcoming WebcastThe Consumer-Direct Strategy for Manufacturers - Bypassing Retail - How to Manage and Optimize the Direct-to-Consumer Supply Chain.”

I highly recommend signing up if you want a glimpse into the future of business and supply chains, or if you are highly dependent on retail. We’ll cover how business is changing, the impact on supply chains, and how you can get closer to the end-customer to boost your resilience with the Consumer-Direct Strategy.

Webcast: The Consumer-Direct Strategy for Manufacturers - Bypassing Retail

About the Author

One Network Enterprises Names Joe Bellini as Company’s First Chief Operating Officer

Joe Bellini is Chief Operating Officer at One Network where he provides leadership across the various departments which focus on delivering network-based value across multiple industry segments and geographies. Joe brings his business solution and technology expertise gained through his work experiences at some of today’s leading technology companies, including General Electric, HP/EDS, Brooks Automation, IRI, R1/Accretive Health, and Oracle. Joe holds a patent in Supply Chain Planning and is the co-author of the business strategy book, “The Real-Time Enterprise.” Joe holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Statistics is an alumnus of Harvard Business School and is certified in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from MIT Sloan.

Related Article: How to Strengthen Your Direct-to-Consumer Supply Chain

How to Strengthen Your Direct-to-Consumer Supply Chain

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One Network’s Real Time Value Network™ provides community based supply chain solutions in the cloud to help customers increase profitability and efficiencies by optimizing their supply chain operations. Our software solutions enable customers to easily collaborate with all their value chain participants on a single network - customers, partners, carriers and suppliers.

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