Supplier Solutions for the Demand Driven Healthcare Industry

Advanced technology is available today to help the healthcare industry update the way it works with network trading partners and upgrade its processes to leverage recent innovations in supply chain management and to offer better patient care at lower costs.


The Healthcare Industry has an increasing number of challenges which are inhibiting growth and eroding profits.

Most healthcare leaders know that agility and aligning resources to meet demand are key to combating disruptions and exploiting new technologies, but few have a strategy to achieve these objectives.

The cost of supply chain complexity and single-company focused IT solutions is high.

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All participants in the industry are affected, including patients, doctors, hospitals, group purchasing organizations (GPO), and healthcare suppliers.

Examples of challenges include:


  • Hospitals over-procure and over-purchase 20-30% of their moveable assets and supplies
  • Spending for medical supplies and equipment (which represent as much as 30%) and labor costs to operating the supply chain (close to 20%) are rising
  • Nurses spend nearly 2.5 hours a week of their working time managing supplies
  • Frontline clinicians spend five hours a week on supply chain tasks, including manual counting, searching for supplies, and dealing with supply-related documentation, while department managers spend nine hours per week


  • Supply shortages put economic burdens on the health system, interfere with patient care, and have led to delays in care, cancellation of surgeries, and patient dissatisfaction
  • Delays in the operating room (OR) can cost a hospital or ambulatory surgery center millions of dollars per year. Stock-outs lead to delays, frustrated patients and higher supply costs
  • The supply chain must be aligned with patient care, but the reality is that it has evolved into an environment that actually inhibits effective patient care

Advanced Technology

Advanced technology is available today to help the industry update the way it works with network trading partners and upgrade its processes, to leverage recent innovations in supply chain management.

This will enable the industry to maximize the quality of care, resilience, as well as efficiencies, at every location, and every moment in time, throughout the entire system.

One Network increases resiliency to patient demand fluctuations, supply partner issues, and environmental changes.

One Network Benefits Include:

  • Reduce hospital inventory stockouts to near zero
  • Reduce network-wide inventory by 10% to 30%
  • Improve logistics utilization by 2% to 5%
  • Automate hospital, distributor and supplier supply chain processes
  • Reduce IT costs and complexities due to factors such as EDI proliferation

Optimizing Healthcare Networks and Patient-Driven Supply Chains

One Network enables hospitals and healthcare supply networks to realize improvements in value-based care programs, improve healthcare network financial performance, and improve patient outcomes.

This real-time cloud platform lowers supply costs through multi-enterprise autonomous supply chain management, proven to drastically decrease manual effort in managing supply and inventory while improving supplier performance across the entire network.

There are several key healthcare solutions provided by One Network.

Healthcare Network Control Tower

The Healthcare Network Control Tower provides comprehensive multi-party end-to-end visibility, AI automated decision-making, plan-to-actual tracking, alerting, automated problem mitigation, and KPI visualization. It enables supply responsiveness to doctor-driven product preferences with continuous adaptation to local hospital department policies, behaviors, and goals, with sensitivity to each individual patient’s unique situation - with inputs from surrounding medical professions.

  • Intelligent Multi-Party Control Towers, global, regional, and local, provide each party with automated decision options and automated decision execution across all parties with the right level of visibility, control, and alerting across any combination of hospitals, regions, suppliers and entire healthcare networks.
  • Physical Multi-Tier Tracking of assets, inventory, sensors, patient sensors, serialized items, custody transfers, ownership transfers, workflow states, plans, and transactions are supported across both physical and financial dimensions.

Complete Visibility and Supply Automation for Hospitals, Clinics, and Supply Networks

Because the One Network Control Tower connects all partners and all systems, it enables unprecedented visibility across the Network. This means that hospitals and clinics have visibility to hospital forecasts as well as orders from GPOs, hospitals, and departments. They can see the projected inventory for each SKU by location. They can monitor inventory in the cabinet, on the shelf, both current inventory and inventory consumed. Hospitals and clinics also have access to inbound supply, inventory, and order returns. Visibility extends beyond the facilities too, with home delivery tracking.

Visibility and automated decision making extend into hospital supply networks, with visibility into supplier procurement contracts and pricing, visibility to orders and forecast changes from GPO to Hospital, and Hospital to Supplier, with inventory visibility at each supplier site and warehouse for every SKU by location.

Meet Compliance Mandates and Secure Your Supply Chain with One Network’s Chain of Custody Solution

One Network’s multi-party network makes a real-world and robust Chain of Custody solution a reality. Designed to meet GMP, EMA, and DSCSA mandates, the solution tracks the location and linkages between assets, orders, shipments, packages, serialized items, lots, and documents. It can be configured to enforce procedures such as picking and receiving handover checks. It takes into account expiration dates (both serialized and lot items), and provides alerts to minimize the risk of expired product making its way to the patient. The Chain of Custody solution includes the Internet of Things (IoT) support, so you can set alerts and track violations of out-of-range conditions, such as temperature readings at any step in the supply chain process. The Chain of Custody solution is designed to handle all the complexities of the real world, such as lot moves, splits, merges, blends holds, releases, and more.

Transportation Planning with Continuous Delivery ETA Visibility

Never lose sight of your shipments and deliveries, with first to- last-mile transportation tracking, on private and out-of-network fleets. Get continuous estimated time of arrival (ETA) projections for orders, packages, and shipments, whether they are destined for the warehouse, hospitals, clinics, or patient homes. On-demand activation of in-network carriers means delivery anywhere anytime with maximum choice and reliability at the lowest cost.

Warehouse and Distribution Center Visibility

One Network enables full visibility into warehouse and distribution center (DC) operations, from receiving, inspection, put-away, 3D shelf locations, to pick, pack and ship. You have visibility to lots, packages, and orders, as well as inventory and projected inventory. You also get access to orders, forecasts, and inbound and outbound supply, so you always have the full picture of operations and can make better decisions.

WEBINAR: New COVID-19 Program to Optimize Supply Chains for Suppliers Thru Demand Driven Healthcare

WEBINAR: New COVID-19 Program to Optimize Supply Chains for Suppliers Thru Demand Driven Healthcare

Join One Network’s CEO Greg Brady and Vizient’s Steve Downey, the nation’s largest GPO, to learn how One Network is helping manufacturers and distributors drive new demand-driven processes to optimize internal supply chains, improve hospital service levels, optimize inbound systems, and lower costs. Just as suppliers are held accountable for service levels and rapid replenishment, providers will be held accountable for order forecast accuracy | REGISTER NOW


Patient care demand is continuously translated across each supply tier and site in the network. Demand propagation across the supply network considers the current demand forecast, inventory, hospital schedules, in-transit supply, supply commitments, product end of life, carrier pickup and delivery schedules, and the transportation network between sites. This provides each site (across n-tiers) with accurate real-time demand visibility (based on agreed permissions), at each site, upstream and downstream to the patients.

Gain clear visibility into tier 1 and tier 2 supplier issues including FDA issues, product version changeovers, product end of life, early notification of supplies moving to allocation modes, and supply impacts due to weather and other external factors.

Demand is sensed and predicted in real-time at the point of consumption (Cabinet, Cart, Operating Room, Patient Home, etc.) and translated instantly back to all levels of the value chain. Each party has a single version of the true hospital demand. There is no second-guessing, no excess inventory build-up, and minimal delays. This continuously updated demand signal drives other types of digital agents on the network - keeping inventory low and service levels at optimal levels.

Autonomous Forecasting Agents

Autonomous forecasting agents convert patient schedules and doctor-tailored patient care cards to provide continuous forecasting across each department and across each site in the multi-tier supply network. They support forecasting policy management by the hospital department and by SKU. They continuously aggregate forecasts across hospitals and healthcare networks providing suppliers with real-time demand signals.

Autonomous Patient-Driven Hospital Replenishment

Make better use of your staff by relieving them of tedious and error-prone ordering and replenishment duties. Autonomous agents automate ordering and replenishment processes by department, hospital or site clusters, and support multi-tier DC replenishment. New supply orders can be automated for hospitals, suppliers, and distributors delivering value for all parties on the network.

Optimize Inventory Based on Future Patient Demand Instead of Historical Demand

One Network optimizes inventory across partners and across tiers, to meet demand while ensuring the availability of supplies. The system continuously monitors and optimizes both cycle and safety stock levels, to minimize costs and the risk of waste. Inventory planning and replenishment policies are continually tuned with machine learning (ML), to make sure the appropriate parameters and policies are applied. Based on patient schedules and hospital department behavior, the ML-driven algorithms continuously learn and improve inventory performance across the network.

Regional Hospital Network Warehouse Management

One Network’s Warehouse Management Solution (WMS) provides comprehensive warehouse management capabilities. It can also connect and incorporate your existing silo WMS systems to the network, to minimize integration overhead and maximize your return on existing systems. The WMS enables flow-through planning and execution across inbound and outbound supply and carriers (or captive fleets) with internal WMS operations, processes, and capacities.

Optimize Inbound Hospital and Home Deliveries

One Network’s Transportation Solution provides comprehensive third-party carrier planning and delivery capabilities, as well as third-party carrier planning and execution. Combining transportation capabilities with a large carrier network enables delivery from anywhere-to-anywhere at any time. (Refer to One Network’s Intelligent Logistics solution for full details.)

Strategic Hospital Supply Planning

One Network’s Integrated Business Planning solution takes the guesswork and tedium out of strategic hospital supply planning and delivers better results. Intelligent agents continuously and autonomously match supply to demand across each site in the network. This complex scenarios to enable better planning, including demand and supply scenario planning, projected profit and loss scenarios, revenue-cost-volume target scenarios, and disaster, repair, and mitigation scenario planning.capability also supports


One Network’s platform is a unique “Tunable System of Control” for business planning and execution across multiple parties and systems, leveraging new network technology while empowering legacy systems, to deliver optimal results fast. This enables your team to assign system-of-record responsibility to each state and action in the Network process - either to the ONE business network platform or a legacy application. It’s your choice, and the ONE platform enables you to manage end-to-end processes, even as designated steps are still processed by your legacy systems.

We call this a “Dual Platform Strategy”, where your business network platform actually becomes the primary platform for planning and operations, and legacy technologies become bolt-ons to the Network for financial processing.

Whether you are working to eliminate technology silos or collaborate more closely with logistics service providers, the Dual Platform approach ensures that your daily, weekly, and monthly effort is focused on your organization’s most important execution objectives, and is done in the most efficient way. In summary, a dual-platform strategy enables you to leverage legacy systems without wasting prior investments – while dramatically advancing your capabilities and decision-making with a business network platform.

ONE Network provides unmatched network coordination, optimization, and automation, across all partners and tiers.

WEBINAR: New COVID-19 Program to Optimize Supply Chains for Suppliers Thru Demand Driven Healthcare

WEBINAR: New COVID-19 Program to Optimize Supply Chains for Suppliers Thru Demand Driven Healthcare

Join One Network’s CEO Greg Brady and Vizient’s Steve Downey, the nation’s largest GPO, to learn how One Network is helping manufacturers and distributors drive new demand-driven processes to optimize internal supply chains, improve hospital service levels, optimize inbound systems, and lower costs. Just as suppliers are held accountable for service levels and rapid replenishment, providers will be held accountable for order forecast accuracy | REGISTER NOW

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Download Autonomous Patient-Driven Supply Network for Healthcare

Autonomous Patient-Driven Supply Network for Healthcare
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More Resources from One Network Enterprises

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One Network’s Real Time Value Network™ provides community based supply chain solutions in the cloud to help customers increase profitability and efficiencies by optimizing their supply chain operations. Our software solutions enable customers to easily collaborate with all their value chain participants on a single network - customers, partners, carriers and suppliers.

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