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Tom Andel on Supply Chain 24/7

Tom Andel
Contributing Editor

Tom Andel is a Contributing Editor to Logistics Management.

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Latest content from Tom Andel

Lift trucks: Solving the financial puzzle
Own, lease, or rent? According to lift truck consultants, the method that businesses pay for lift trucks tends to be a sound economic indicator. Here’s how distributors are working...

Lift Truck Tip: Maintain while parked
Even idle lift trucks need attention if you expect to put them back to work

Toyota and Raymond solidify bond, protect brands
Ten years after the purchase of BT Industries, restructuring brings Toyota and Raymond even closer together.

Avoid tight spots in narrow aisles
Some users of narrow aisle lift trucks are getting themselves into tighter spots than they need to.

Lift Truck Tips: Do more with less; lift trucks and attachments
Lift truck attachments are helping operators and operations make up for lost capacity and helping avoid upgrades

Komatsu Forklift to discontinue Tusk brand of lift trucks
After five years, this leading lift truck supplier has decided to focus all of its resources on its core Komatsu brand.

Lift Truck Tips: Fast-charging gains power
Lift Truck Tips: The prospect of cutting greenhouse gases, combined with technological advances, is making fast-charging more attractive


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Automation Revolution: Transforming Procurement for Strategic Impact
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Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Download this whitepaper to learn Unified Control System (UCS), designed to orchestrate automated and human workflows across the warehouse, enabling automation technologies...
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