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Latest Infor resources

The Current and Future State of Digital Supply Chain Transformation
Executives see a large gap between the current state of digital transformation across their extended global value chains and what they expect to see in just five years from now.

Enterprise Social Collaboration Fuels Innovative Sales & Operations Planning
By applying common metrics to social S&OP, much as is done with S&OP at present, you can develop a consistent method of performance evaluation throughout the entire supply and demand planning chain.

The Evolution of the Automotive Supply Chain
It's time to collaborate and automate - better manage globalization, vehicle connectivity, and supply chain optimization.

Getting the Band Back Together: Infor CloudSuite Retail Gets Tuned Up
This IDC Retail Insights Perspective presents our analysis of Infor's recently announced intention to develop CloudSuite Retail and build out a vertical business unit focused on the retail industry.

Guide to Manufacturing Software
In 2015, most manufacturers experienced modest levels of profitability helped by lower commodity prices and low wage inflation...this environment provided a brief window of opportunity to consider the role new “disruptive” technologies might have on manufacturing businesses and to discuss potential investment strategies.

Profitable Supply Chain Execution with Customer-and Event-Driven Optimization
The growth and complexity of today's end-to-end supply chain is driving renewed focus on optimizing supply chain cost and profit to become more event and customer-driven...up to 92% of companies will be looking for more collaborative optimization solutions.

Doing Sales and Operations Planning Right
Sales and operations planning (S&OP) remains an area of particular interest to manufacturers.

Conquering Costs, Complexity, and Customer Demands with Warehouse Management
Rising costs, increased complexity, and growing customer demands are all intrinsically linked challenges that manufacturers and distributors face.

GT Nexus and Infor Thesis
ERP software helps manufacturing companies plan, schedule, orchestrate, and monitor shop floor production inside the walls of the enterprise.

What Makes Infor’s Intelligent Open Network (ION) Tick?
Much like the Internet, one application can be upgraded, replaced, or even fail without taking down the entire network - built using nonproprietary standards, Infor ION provides an open architecture that is flexible, scalable, and adaptable.


Featured Downloads

Automation Revolution: Transforming Procurement for Strategic Impact
Automation Revolution: Transforming Procurement for Strategic Impact
Discover how strategic automation empowers procurement teams to navigate global supply chain challenges effectively, enhancing resilience and driving transformative business impact.
Navigating Procurement’s Digital Transformation with AI
Navigating Procurement’s Digital Transformation with AI
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of AI in reshaping procurement and supply chain operations is undeniable. This whitepaper by...

Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Unified Control System - Intelligent Warehouse Orchestration
Download this whitepaper to learn Unified Control System (UCS), designed to orchestrate automated and human workflows across the warehouse, enabling automation technologies...
An Inside Look at Dropshipping
An Inside Look at Dropshipping
Korber Supply Chain’s introduction to the world of dropshipping. While dropshipping is not for every retailer or distributor, it does provide...
C3 Solutions Major Trends for Yard and Dock Management in 2024
C3 Solutions Major Trends for Yard and Dock Management in 2024
What trends you should be focusing on in 2024 depends on how far you are on your yard and dock management journey. This...