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Business Roundtable

Latest posts about Business Roundtable

Former Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx Discusses President Trump’s Infrastructure Plan
On Tuesday President Trump called for a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure, Anthony Foxx, former secretary of transportation under the Obama administration, joined "CBS This Morning" to discuss whether Mr. Trump's plan is feasible.

Truckers Call on Trump for a More Efficient Transportation Infrastructure
Trump’s initial statements on infrastructure, and the prevalent bipartisan view in favor of infrastructure improvement to spur job growth, could result in a significant increase in private investment opportunities, however, private investment will depend in part on the needs of state and local governments.

Transport Leaders Begin Meeting With Trump Transition Team as New Era Commences
Donald J. Trump’s stunning game-changing upset to become President-elect of the United States, has left transport leaders scratching their heads and wondering what, precisely, will a Trump presidency look like.

The Road to Growth - The Case for Investing in America’s Transportation Infrastructure
This report outlines the economic cost of neglecting America’s transportation infrastructure and the positive effects of reinvesting in it for the 21st Century, and contrasts America’s current investment with 20th Century levels and guides policymakers forward in efforts to rebuild this vital economic foundation.

Fix Our Transportation Infrastructure Now
Transportation infrastructure is the backbone of a modern, competitive and productive economy, once the envy of the world, America’s highways, bridges, railways, airports, transit systems and waterways are deteriorating due to inevitable wear and tear.


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