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Global Manufacturing Set for Sluggish 2024, Stronger 2025
The global manufacturing economy is expected to see slow growth in 2024, expanding by just 0.6%, Unveils New AI-Powered Platform launched its new platform, Constellation AI, designed to optimize sales, inventory management, and forecasting.

Logistics Confidence Index Remains Flat for Q2
BlueGrace's Logistics Confidence Index for Q2 2024 reveals cautious sentiment among shippers amidst stable market conditions, focusing on revenue and inventory concerns.

Thinking Differently About Supply Chain Planning
Political landscapes shift overnight, global trade is constantly changing, consumers demand increasingly personalized service and smaller day-to-day challenges hit without warning. If your job is supply chain management, how on earth do you plan for the unplannable?

Resource Management System (RMS): How to Effectively Leverage Your Assets
This guide provides an in-depth analysis of the potential of various resources available in a warehouse and how they can be utilized to generate maximum value.

Why Reliable Logistics Forecasting Is a Fundamental Tool for Staying Competitive
In this paper, we detail how to navigate supply chain complexity via reliable logistics forecasting, and why supply chains are becoming more complex, creating deeply interdependent networks that need to balance supply, demand, and capacity.

Supply Chain Disruptions and the Next Normal for Logistics in 2023
In January 2022, the world entered another year of living and working in the Covid-19 pandemic and the major changes that came with it. The collective machine of makers, movers, and sellers that keep global commerce going sought sage advice from analysts to brace for what might come next.

The Digital Transforming of Supply Chain Planning
On this episode, we visit with Stef Vermeiren and Marcela Perez on the digital transformation taking place in planning and forecasting. SCMR’s Editorial Director Bob Trebilcock hosts.

Note to CEOs: Want a Great Supply Chain? Don’t Tell Me, SHOW ME!
For the past nine months, I have been doing a lot of webcasts and presentations talking to C-Level executives about their supply chain issues. When I highlight the fact that, for most companies, their supply chain activities consume anywhere from 12%-to-20% of their sales dollar, many executives are surprised. They have never viewed their supply chain as representing that large a portion of their company’s sales.

The Pandemic Made Business Structurally Harder Than Ever
Data and insights from this study find there are key steps decision makers can take to proactively manage these risks, better achieve corporate goals and emerge stronger after major disruptions.

IDC top predictions include trend toward AI-driven supply chain forecasting
IDC research makes the case for supply chain forecasts driven by artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, to achieve better accuracy.

IDC research makes the case for AI-driven supply chain forecasting
IDC’s analysis of the need for improved forecasting pulls no punches, in explaining that manufacturers have been running supply chains for centuries, and, for nearly that entire period, it is something that they have agonized over, with this zinger to complete the working thesis: “The only thing that has been universally true about any forecast is that it will be wrong.”

Create Predictive Models in Seconds for Faster and Better Forecasting
Run simulations in seconds, and automate your supply chain for a smoother year.

How to Improve Your Demand Planning
Listen in as Jonathan Karelse, CEO of NorthFind Management, discusses how our biases can impact the accuracy of our demand plans. SCMR’s Editorial Director Bob Trebilcock hosts.

How to Embrace the New Normal for Demand Planning
One thing that has caught the world of supply chain entirely unawares during this global pandemic is demand volatility.


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