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MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation

Latest posts about MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation

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The 50 Smartest Companies in the World
MIT Technology Review has released its 2017 list of the 50 Smartest Companies, and over the past 12 months, the honorees have taken risks, demonstrated superior technological leadership and business acumen in their fields.

Innovators Shaking-Up the Status Quo
Meet the wannabe innovator against the status quo, MIT's Andrew McAfee discusses on why the next industrial revolution is closer than you think.

Making the Right Risk Decisions to Strengthen Operations Performance
The Global Supply Chain and Risk Management Survey is a study of the supply chain operations and risk management approaches of 209 companies with a global footprint. As globally operating organisations, they are exposed to high risk scenarios ranging from controllable risks, such as raw material price fluctuation, currency fluctuation, market changes or fuel price volatility, to uncontrollable ones such as natural disasters.

DuoSkin: Rapidly Prototyping On-Skin User Interfaces Using Skin-Friendly Materials
In this paper, we aim to make durable and skin-friendly on-skin user interfaces available to the wider community, using commodity materials, electronic components, and fabrication processes.

Microsoft and MIT Turn Skin Tattoos into Touchpads
MIT PhD students and a team from Microsoft Research have developed a new system called DuoSkin – a kind of 'smart' tattoo capable of turning your skin into an interface to control your mobile device.

Fashion Company Desigual’s Multi-Stranded Approach to Omni-Channel
Omni-channel customers buy and return goods online or via physical stores, and expect excellent service regardless of how they receive their purchases, meeting these expectations requires inventory to be visible and available globally.

Elon Musk Launches $1Billion Fund to Save the World from Artificial Intelligence
Prominent tech executives, including Elon Musk, have pledged $1bn for OpenAI, a non-profit venture that aims to develop artificial intelligence (AI) to benefit humanity.

Automating Big-Data Analysis and Replacing Human Intuition with Algorithms
A new and unique computer system from MIT has outperformed human intuition using its algorithms, and it's amazing, and perhaps a little frightening: the Data Science Machine beat out over 600 human teams in finding predictive analysis.

Deep Feature Synthesis: Towards Automating Data Science Endeavors
In this paper, we develop the Data Science Machine, which is able to derive predictive models from raw data automatically.

MIT Media Lab Researchers Develop New Wearable Fingernail Trackpad
Unobtrusive wearable sensor could operate digital devices or augment other device interfaces.

Supply Chain Risk and the Planning Process
Everyone knows the importance of both Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) and risk management. Integrating them both makes for a winning strategy.

Race Against The Machine
How The Digital Revolution Is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and The Economy.

Can Google’s Robots Build a New Future for US Manufacturing?
Google has spent the last several months acquiring various robotics companies, while Foxconn began deploying robots en masse at its factories in 2012. Last year, the Taiwan-based company announced plans to invest $40 million in a robot manufacturing facility in Pennsylvania, with Gou saying that Foxconn wants to be part of the manufacturing "renaissance" in the US.

The Extraordinary Rolls-Royce Technology Behind Your Flight
Aircraft in flight anywhere in the world automatically report back via satellite to the Rolls-Royce Service Operations Room where our team looks at, compares and reports on half a billion engine data reports every year. The data is analysed, trends extrapolated, anomalies detected and, often unknown to the pilot, preparations are made at the arrival airport to take remedial action and send the aircraft on its next leg with no delays.

Talent is the Future of Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is the hot new MBA, according to the Wall Street Journal, or why it was the leading topic of discussion at all four of the Material Handling & U.S. Logistics Roadmap round table meetings last summer.


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