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Same Day Delivery

Latest posts about Same Day Delivery

Can Companies “Uber-ize” Their Way Out of Supply Chain Troubles?
Uber revolutionized passenger transportation by providing a third-party platform where consumers “compete” with each other for rides. Now, platforms that enable companies to “compete” for supply chain assets have emerged as a way to lower costs and increase efficiency through Amazon-like economies of scale.

Getting Your Supply Chain Ready for Same-Day Delivery
In this guide, we look at how solving for increasing demand for same-day service with innovation and flexibility is the only way retailers can meet rapidly evolving consumer expectations – and stay one step ahead of the competition.

UPS Acquires Same-Day SaaS Delivery Management & Orchestration Technology Company Delivery Solutions
The acquisition provides customers access to carrier-independent, same-day delivery with plug-and-play options.

Micro-Fulfillment Centers Bring the Supply Chain to the Consumer
Over the last few years, as e-commerce sales have increased and customer expectations have shifted, there has been a steady race to move fulfillment closer to the customer.

A Single Platform for both Middle-Mile and Same-Day, Last-Mile Delivery Solutions
Point Pickup, a Connecticut-based startup, is laser-focused on delivery solutions for the middle and last-mile, from the store to your home for major retailers.

RISC Report: Same-Day Delivery Implications for the U.S. Postal Service
The most critical observation from our survey is that many consumers are simply unwilling to pay for same-day delivery at any price - even when the fee is extremely low.

Same-Day Delivery Implications for the U.S. Postal Service
The future is now when it comes to the myriad decisions and factors that influence both same- and next-day shipping, and each day represents a new chapter in that journey while balancing time, resources, and costs all at once.


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