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31st Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends

Broken, stressed, strained, and out of sync. All have been featured in recent headlines describing the condition of logistics and supply chain operations.

Broken, stressed, strained, and out of sync. All have been featured in recent headlines describing the condition of logistics and supply chain operations.

Supply chain even made Lake Superior State University’s 2022 Banished Words List, suggesting supply chain is “overused” and “the scapegoat of everything that doesn’t happen or arrive on time.”

Drawing on responses from the more than 300 logistics and supply chain professionals that participated, the “31st Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends” revealed impacts that the turbulent market has had on shippers, carriers and service providers.

The study also focused on one of the most critical issues and threats facing today’s logistics and supply chain leaders: people.

Download the full report and analysis now.

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