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ALAN preps logistics assistance efforts in response to tragic tornado outbreak

In a recent media update, the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) states it has activated efforts to help support stricken communities from the deadly tornado outbreak that hit Kentucky and Illinois.

According to the update, ALAN has activated to support these communities via its network of non-profit partners. As the non-profits assess what is needed in the affected areas, ALAN expects them to request various forms of logistics assistance from ALAN, including transportation, warehousing, and material handling.

ALAN is currently coordinating with non-profit partners via daily conference calls that are being hosted by state VOADs (Voluntary Organizations Active In Disaster). During these calls, ALAN gets key updates about which humanitarian services are most needed. ALAN also has updated its “Tornado/Hurricane Information” portion of our Disaster Micro-site to include some resources for businesses or individuals who have been affected by these tornadoes.

ALAN added that it is preparing to fill logistics requests, although there are no active requests for its services yet, which is not unusual, given the relatively early stage of the response to these tornados. However, ALAN believes logistics needs may arise soon, so if companies have warehouse space, trucks, equipment, or supplies they would be willing to donate to ALAN, it can be offered here.  The more advance information ALAN has about available resources, the more quickly it will be able to fulfill requests for assistance and get survivors the help they need, the statement explained.

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