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Case Study: Mitigating disruption when COVID-19 closes your distribution center

Learn how an up-to-date optimization model provided one U.S. distributor with a 55% cost avoidance when one of their facilities had to temporarily close because of a worker who contracted COVID-19.

One common reason shippers conduct network modeling and optimization studies is to understand their strategic footprint. These engineering-based studies answer questions about how many manufacturing or warehouse locations a supply chain needs and where those facilities should be located. But keeping this information current can quickly pay off during events that disrupt the supply chain.

From governmental regulations, port strikes, extreme weather events and more, network optimization models can provide: 

  • decision support
  • agility during disruption
  • cost avoidance opportunities
  • To strengthen your supply chain’s resistance to unforeseen events and better prepare for unplanned opportunities, consider building and maintaining a model to help your business manage through disruptive events that happen all too often.

Download this white paper and learn how an up-to-date optimization model provided one U.S. distributor with a 55% cost avoidance when one of their facilities had to temporarily close because of a worker who contracted COVID-19.

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