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Extending ESG Best Practices Into the Supply Chain

This detailed white paper focuses on key topics, shifts, and the future of ESG's role in business.

Corporate commitments to ESG and long-term sustainable value creation reached an inflection point in 2019 when over 180 CEOs committed to ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’—a concept that holds a business accountable to all its stakeholders – including investors, employees, suppliers, customers, and communities. The idea signals a paradigm shift away from longstanding trends.

This detailed white paper focuses on key topics, shifts, and the future of ESG's role in business.

In it you will learn:

  • ESG risks and opportunities
  • ESG supply chain implementation: The dynamics, motivation, and emerging best practices
  • What supply chain sustainability means
  • Emerging ESG supply chain best practices
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Avetta provides a cloud-based supply chain risk management and commercial marketplace platform. Our global solution is uniquely designed to connect the world’s leading organizations with qualified suppliers, driving sustainable growth. We build trustworthy bonds through responsive technology and human insight. Our process is collaborative. Our global reach is complemented by our local expertise.

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