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Teradata Company Profile

Teradata delivers real-time, intelligent answers, leveraging 100% of the relevant data, regardless of scale or volume of query. And we do it on-premises, in the cloud, and anywhere in between. It’s called Pervasive Data Intelligence.

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17095 Via Del Campo
San Diego, California, 92127
United States
(858) 485-1220


State of Artificial Intelligence for Enterprises
State of Artificial Intelligence for Enterprises
This study proves that business leaders realize that the benefits of AI today are undeniable - and it will continue...

Determining a Total Solution Cost for an Analytic Data Solution
Determining a Total Solution Cost for an Analytic Data Solution
Ultimately, the decision on how to implement big data analytics may mean the difference between organizational success and failure.

Harnessing the Value of Big Data Analytics
Harnessing the Value of Big Data Analytics
Learn how to gain business insight using MapReduce and Apache Hadoop with SQL-based analytics.

Teradata News & Resources

Most Executives Lack Confidence in AI Strategy and Data Readiness
According to a recent survey by Teradata, C-suite executives trust the potential of AI but express concerns over their company’s strategy and data readiness.

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Technology Is Impacting Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Artificial Intelligence is already enhancing our lives as consumers, now it is picking up momentum in supply chain management and logistics, and managers should pay close attention as more AI-enhanced solutions emerge.

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Technology Is Impacting Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Artificial Intelligence is already enhancing our lives as consumers, now it is picking up momentum in supply chain management and logistics, and managers should pay close attention as more AI-enhanced solutions emerge.

State of Artificial Intelligence for Enterprises
This study proves that business leaders realize that the benefits of AI today are undeniable - and it will continue to prove itself as a powerful investment for the future, with executives expecting ROI to double in five years and triple in 10 years.

A Quantitative Study on the Evolution of Big Data (Supply Chain) Concepts
We believe that the adoption of new concepts for big data is a step change for supply chain teams. It is not about force-fitting new forms of data into applications based on relational databases. It cannot be treated as an evolution.

Determining a Total Solution Cost for an Analytic Data Solution
The report presents two big data application examples and shows how each would be implemented using 1) data warehouse technology and 2) Hadoop. It then calculates the five-year TCOD for each solution.

Harnessing the Value of Big Data Analytics
Learn how to gain business insight using MapReduce and Apache Hadoop with SQL-based analytics.

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