Wholesale Distributors: Can Your ERP Get You Where You Want to Go?

From mid-July through the end of September 2011 Mint Jutras collected 1,250 responses to an electronic survey for its ERP Solution Study.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can produce exceptional results. Top performers report double digit cost savings as well as significant reduction in cycle times and improvements in customer retention and percentage of complete and on-time deliveries.

Yet the average ERP implementation in wholesale distribution fails to produce anywhere near the results.

If your ERP is not producing at the top end of the scale, is it your software? Have you made the right selections, responded appropriately to challenges? Are you truly making use of what you have? Can your current ERP solution get you where you want to go, or do you need a new one?

What’s the goal?
The Mint Jutras 2011 ERP Solution Studay asked respondents to prioritize their top three goals for ERP.

Top Three Goals for ERP
Top Three Goals for ERP

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Wholesale Distributors: Can Your ERP Get You Where You Want to Go?
From mid-July through the end of September 2011 Mint Jutras collected 1,250 responses to an electronic survey for its ERP Solution Study.
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