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Latest posts about tariffs

Navigating shifting trade policies
Our foreign trade specialist shares ways in which U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones serve as economic development tools and often mitigate changes in Customs and trade regulations—critical insight that every shipper should understand to remain globally competitive in 2024.

Tariffs still remain intact on Chinese goods for COVID-19 response
​In an odd example of unintended consequences, the U.S. government still is collecting as much as 25% tariffs from Chinese manufacturers on face masks and other protective wear for U.S. health care workers on the front lines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

State of European Logistics 2020: Embracing EU uncertainty
In the wake of Brexit and continuing trade struggles across the continent, U.S. shippers are urged to be flexible as new formalities take hold.

Q&A: Ben Bidwell, Director of U.S. Customs, C.H. Robinson
With “Phase One” of the United States-China trade agreement expected to be inked on January 15, there are more than a few moving parts for supply chain stakeholders to keep a close eye one. Logistics Management Group News Editor Jeff Berman recently caught up with Ben Bidwell, Director of U.S. Customs for Minneapolis, Minn.-based global logistics services provider and freight forwarder, to get an up-to-date snapshot of what shippers need to be aware of and watch out for, with...

Port Tracker report pinpoints U.S.-China trade war as focal point of import volumes
U.S. reports covered in the report handled 1.95 million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEU) in October, the most recent month for which data is available, which is up 0.6% over September’s 1.97 million TEU and down 7.5% annually compared to the 2 million TEU handled in October 2018, which stands as the all-time monthly record.

Trump says U.S.-China trade deal could be pushed off until after 2020 election
While the topic of tariffs and United States-China trade tension tends to generate some sort of response from supply chain stakeholders, the ones most heard tend to be common refrains along the lines of “what now?,” “OK…,” or “we will have to wait and see,” among others. But a new one can now be added to that list, with President Trump saying this week at the NATO meetings in London that there is a possibility a trade deal with China...

‘Lose-lose’ trade war threatens 1.5 million jobs, $186 billion in economic activity, new study shows
Despite protestations from the Trump administration, the two-year tariff war with China may be having unintended negative consequences on freight haulers and the U.S. economy, according to a new study issued this week.

POLA and POLB volumes are down compared to October 2018
POLA reported that total volume for the month, at 770,189 TEU (twenty-foot equivalents), was off 19.1% annually, facing a difficult annual comparison to October 2018, and POLB reported that total volume, at 688,425 TEU, were off 2.4% annually.


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